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Customer Care

We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy. You can navigate the majority of our site without giving us any personal information about yourself. However, sometimes we need additional information about you in order to provide the information or services that you are requesting.

The information we collect on this site

We collect Personally Identifiable Information in the following way:

We have a members area and a contact us page on our website that enables you to submit questions to us. The personal information you provide on these forms may include your name, title, company name, address, contact numbers, and email. We have a My Wallet area where credit/debit card information may be saved for faster checkout when purchasing items from our store.

Right to Access

You have a right to see what personally identifiable information we hold on you at any time by contacting us in writing. A copy of the information will be provided free of charge within one month of receipt once the identity of the person making the request has been verified. You may also request that your data be updated, corrected or deleted from our systems, unless we have a compelling reason such as a legal obligation to retain it.

The way we use information

We store the information you provide about yourself in a secure environment in order to provide you with the information, products, and/or services you request. The information is stored for the lifetime of the system unless you request that it be removed. You must opt-in or give consent for us to share your identifiable information with third parties, who would be bound by a confidentiality agreement. However, the information that you provide about yourself may be shared with third-parties to the extent necessary to accommodate your request.

For example, if you provide your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address and credit/debit card information in order to purchase our products, this information will be shared with third-parties to meet your request, to process the payment and deliver the product.

We use non-identifying and aggregate information about the use of our Web site to improve the navigation, content, and design of our site.

We do not use your personally identifiable information information that you provide us online for purposes other than those you requested.

Cookies and other anonymous web tracking techniques

When you use our website, we may assign cookie files to you, which are a small amount of data we send to your web browser. Cookies enable the computers operating our websites to differentiate between visitors and to track the patterns of activities engaged in by different visitors. By tracking such activities, the computers operating our websites can recognise a visitor and customise certain features for that visitor. We may also use aggregated, non-identifiable data regarding persons who visit our site in order to learn more about the use of the site and how we can improve it.


Cookies and other anonymous web tracking techniques
Our website may contain links to other websites. You should carefully review the privacy policies and practices of other websites, as we cannot control or be responsible for privacy policies or practices of third-party websites that are not our property.


We may occasionally update this Privacy Statement. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personally identifiable information that we collect.


This policy was last updated on September 2022.

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